Crusader Kings 2 Suicide

So that was a great decision. I was able to form the Kingdom of Sicily after gobbling up some smaller states. I am literally next to Rome.The Byzantine Empire has been reduced to a few small counties in Greece after being battered back and fucking forth by the various Muslim powers. I'm pretty sure Bulgaria is about to usurp its title.Meanwhile, the Umayyads were able to wage an invasion of France, not a Jihad, and cub stomped them one of fucking one. So like 70% of Western Europe is in Islamic hands, and half of it in total.The Caliph has 50,000 troops on command.

Crusader Kings 2 Suicide

After version 2.5 of Crusader Kings II, there is now an 'opinion of predecessor' modifier that makes suicide after engaging in tyranny less trivial, as your vassals will still be mad at you, with careful manipulation of Elective succession can still avoid the penalty, as the 'opinion of predecessor' modifier is not inherited under Elective. Crusader Kings II PC Cheats. Gamerevolution Tuesday, January 22, 2013 Cheat Codes Press ' ' and then type the folowing. Suicide, (also event 26004, event 242).

But he also has decadence rising, so it's going to be fun as hell to watch this clusterfuck unfold (I'm his most powerful vassal). Apparently in the newer GoT mod Stannis. Apparently being chosen by R'Hllor means you'll just keep coming back and coming back and living forever entire your a burnted mutilated insane husk.He really doesnt like my family despite the Baratheon-Lannister dynasty leading to an age of peace and stability. I guess being Joff's descendants will do that to a man. He' ll probably keep trying to stir up shit any chance he gets.

It's a good thing we stripped him of titles and chased him out of the country a long time ago. But if something bad happens to the main Baratheon line there's always a chance he might show up again. Apparently in the newer GoT mod Stannis. Apparently being chosen by R'Hllor means you'll just keep coming back and coming back and living forever entire your a burnted mutilated insane husk.He really doesnt like my family despite the Baratheon-Lannister dynasty leading to an age of peace and stability. I guess being Joff's descendants will do that to a man. He' ll probably keep trying to stir up shit any chance he gets.

It's a good thing we stripped him of titles and chased him out of the country a long time ago. But if something bad happens to the main Baratheon line there's always a chance he might show up again.

Crusader kings ii

Click to expand. Click to shrink.Convert to glorious worship of Odin! You can then take as many concubines as you want (3 I believe).The best way is to seduce everyone you want with seduction focus. First step is to invite them to your court; if they don't wanna or are married, then invite their spouses and then.

Persuade them to be single! The distance may be an issue when seducing, so having them in your court speeds the events up.Be patient! You'll get a lot of good offsprings to exploit care for! Just be careful not to go charming everyone while they're married. Don't wanna wake up with a different kind of snake in your pants. Click to expand.

Click to shrink.Be tribal/nomadic (any religion), or follow Zoroastrianism, Eastern religions, or paganism (other than Hellenic).If you want a woman in your court to become your concubine, it's on the right-click menu just like any other diplomatic interaction. Women in prison are mechanically barred from refusing, but, well. Increasing the number of courtiers you have who hate you is not the path to a long and happy life.If you want a woman in someone else's court to become your concubine, and 'send raiders to siege down her liege's holding' and 'invite her to your own court first' are not viable options, you need to ask her liege; the request will only be accepted if there is a positive reason for it to be accepted. Another thing that may happen is if you've got family focus, are a hermetic, and have no heir but clearly want one.You get the PotionEvent. Basically your apprentice comes with the brilliant idea of 'Hey, I know you want a kid.

Drink this and it's going give you a kid!' And the fun thing about it, is that it bypasses silly restrictions even for Catholic Rulers about 'Incest', 'But that's my mother', 'But that's my Bishop and it's a sin'. Basically, it grabs something like nine to ten people that in a frenzy of 'Passion' you end up bedding, and all females get pregnant from it (if you're a male). Another thing that may happen is if you've got family focus, are a hermetic, and have no heir but clearly want one.You get the PotionEvent. Basically your apprentice comes with the brilliant idea of 'Hey, I know you want a kid.

Drink this and it's going give you a kid!' And the fun thing about it, is that it bypasses silly restrictions even for Catholic Rulers about 'Incest', 'But that's my mother', 'But that's my Bishop and it's a sin'. Basically, it grabs something like nine to ten people that in a frenzy of 'Passion' you end up bedding, and all females get pregnant from it (if you're a male). Another thing that may happen is if you've got family focus, are a hermetic, and have no heir but clearly want one.You get the PotionEvent.

Basically your apprentice comes with the brilliant idea of 'Hey, I know you want a kid. Drink this and it's going give you a kid!' And the fun thing about it, is that it bypasses silly restrictions even for Catholic Rulers about 'Incest', 'But that's my mother', 'But that's my Bishop and it's a sin'. Basically, it grabs something like nine to ten people that in a frenzy of 'Passion' you end up bedding, and all females get pregnant from it (if you're a male).

So, I have in one of my games the closest thing I have seen to the Pornocracy. Basically, after Byzantium took Venice, I eventually went and made them independent again, it looks like many of one exiled and wealthy family went to Rome. What happened is that Venice is one of the few consistently Italian areas from the start of 769 so anyone from there has the coveted Italian modifier when ti comes to papal consideration. The following is the story I made in my head from this.

The Galbaio family has for about the last thirty to forty years held some of the most powerful positions in Christendom. They have had two popes, and one or two others who were next in line but died or overshadowed by someone else, and several Prince-Bishops of Orbetello, including one who was the bastard son of a previous Prince-Bishop. In the end, Pope Ursus' bastard son, of the Orseolo dynasty, was elected to the papacy as Theodorus/Theodore II and has been rather long lived and working to end the situation.

Crusader Kings 2 Suicide Full

So, I have in one of my games the closest thing I have seen to the Pornocracy. Basically, after Byzantium took Venice, I eventually went and made them independent again, it looks like many of one exiled and wealthy family went to Rome. What happened is that Venice is one of the few consistently Italian areas from the start of 769 so anyone from there has the coveted Italian modifier when ti comes to papal consideration.

The following is the story I made in my head from this. The Galbaio family has for about the last thirty to forty years held some of the most powerful positions in Christendom. They have had two popes, and one or two others who were next in line but died or overshadowed by someone else, and several Prince-Bishops of Orbetello, including one who was the bastard son of a previous Prince-Bishop. In the end, Pope Ursus' bastard son, of the Orseolo dynasty, was elected to the papacy as Theodorus/Theodore II and has been rather long lived and working to end the situation.

Click to expand.Speaking of the Pornocracy, one of the dynasties I enjoy playing is the House of Tusculum. Though with my aggressive/save-scumming playstyle, I can never properly keep the Popes under my thumb. Even when I do get a Tusculan pope, they end up hating me.So, my current game.The year is 1019, and the House of Tusculum is at the height of its power. The Butcher King Theophylact II of Sicily rules Croatia, Africa, and half of Italy, and has just won the kingdom of Jerusalem from the infidels, and his son the genius crown prince is ready to rule.France is ruled by a Catholic Ashkenazi aristocracy raised up in the Second Crusade, while the old names like Capet and Welf and de Normandie are now Jewish exiles. The Holy Roman Empire rules the other half of Italy and remains unstable, factions raising up an emperor every decade or so. The Empire of the Romans is relatively stable, ruled by Spartenoi empresses for decades now.

And they have a buffer state in Armenia, which has converted to the Orthodox Church while the Tsardom of Bulgaria (whose Tsar pissed off the Butcher King at his coronation) has converted to Catholicism.The Catholic kingdoms of Spain have expanded and the Umayyad dynasty is getting somewhat desperate. The Idrisids continue to do their thing. The Fatimid Caliphate rules Egypt, and Makouria remains the last Coptic kingdom. And for some reason the Teutonic Knights have conquered Crimea.

Probably something to do with the Jewish Khazars. Playing the After the End Mod as the Celestial Emperor. On my second Emperor, the legitimized bastard because he was way better than my other POS kids. I also have a son named Karl who is the devil. He has already killed my first born and is working on my second so he can take over I am guessing. Meanwhile I eagerly eye Revolts to Restore Imperial Power, two of which have already succeeded (in Socal and Baja) and plan for my triumphant return to the world stage as the God Emperor!

But that will probably be as Karl. Meanwhile hte rest of the world is slowly descending into chaos since I keep entertained by killing random rulers.

This is really fun. So I've been all over the Paradox forums recently trying to get two possible mods up and running. Culture Conversion - Making it so the top cultural authorities are the realms kings, not the emperors (I view him as the religious authority). Essentially, if a king has a different culture than his emperor, the kings culture will spread to his kingdom. And the emperor's culture will only spread to his personal realm, where he reigns as king. To do this, we were working on modding event 55000 and managed to get the opening piece of code to look like this over vanilla. So I've been all over the Paradox forums recently trying to get two possible mods up and running.

Culture Conversion - Making it so the top cultural authorities are the realms kings, not the emperors (I view him as the religious authority). Essentially, if a king has a different culture than his emperor, the kings culture will spread to his kingdom. And the emperor's culture will only spread to his personal realm, where he reigns as king. To do this, we were working on modding event 55000 and managed to get the opening piece of code to look like this over vanilla. Having started a game as El Cid to get the 'Always Count on Duke' achievement, I decided to explore the Iberian Peninsular more thoroughly, with an Ironman Portugal game.Started in 1090, I think, as Duke Henri, eventually labelled 'the fat', who added the county of Evora to the realm, but did nowt else, except reorder the place, and revoke Castelo Branco. During his reign, any plans for southward expansion were ruined by a successful Crusade for Andalusia, led by King Henry I 'The Great' of England.

Despite a rebellion of two, the English still hold the whole shebang in a line from Lison to Castellon, with Evora poking down like a precarious appendage.Duke Henri was, in turn, succeeded by his eldest son, Henrique, thanks to his Portuguese culture. This is when crazy Iberian Jimena gavelkind politics becomes very messy indeed. My cousin (and brother-in-law) Alfonso, the King of Galicia (and heir to the kingdom of Castille) refused to stop his plots to assassinate me. I decided to teach him a lesson by nicking Santiago. His mother (Queen of Castille) and Stepfather (King of Aragon) decided they would honour their non agression pact with me - seeing as I'm the latter's Son in Law, and I gave the boy a kicking.Then, Urraca of Castille died, and Alfonso inherited Castille, while his half brother (again, my cousin) became king of Leon.

Crusader Kings 2 Suicide Scene

By the time Alfonso declared war on me, looking to retake Santiago, I had formed an alliance with the young Leonese king, and the pair of us gave the Castillians a drubbing. The prestige gained allowed me to create the Kingdom of Portugal, even if much of OTL's Portugal is stuck in Andalucia.

I then forged a claim on Coruna, which I pressed as about five different English-Andalucian Dukes went to war with Castille to take Toledo. The Leonese king decided that this looked fun, so pressed his own claim to Castille, meaning pretty much everybody in Iberia was attacking the benighted Alfonso. If you thought it couldn't get any worse for Alfonso, the aged king of Aragon finally died, leaving his realm to the king of Leon.At the end of the war, we had the following:. The Duke of Portugal owns, as well as his own Duchy, the de jure Kingdom and Duchy of Galicia. The King of Galicia owns the counties of Burgos, Catalayud, and Soria. The King of Leon (and Aragon) has now also usurped the Kingdom of Castille, which has become his primary title.After I'd usurped the Kingdom and Duchy of Galicia, I realised I should have got a screenshot of 'Galicia in Castille'. On the other hand, I can now treat you to this madness.We have a fairly sensible Kingdom of Portugal, bordered by the Kingdom of Castille.

Separating Castillian Leon (plus bits of Castille) from Castillian Aragon is the independent Duchy of Castille (owned by the former King of Galicia). Because that makes sense. To the north of this silliness, there is the Kingdom of Navarre, and the separate Duchy of Navarre! To top off the foolishness, the Aragonese gave the Duchy of Barcelona a hiding, which means the rump duchy owns two counties, neither of which is Barcelona! To prevent more shenanigans when Henrique dies, I have likely scandalised the rest of the peninsula by switching to primogeniture in both kingdoms. I blame the French Burgundian influence of my late father, if anybody asks. My second son, who had been in line for Galicia, decided to react to the news by joining the Hospitallers.

Bit of an overreaction, but he was a zealous lad. He seems to be doing okay, as he's currently the heir to the order.When the current king of Castille dies, unless he copies me, we'll see the whole dance begin again. Since my screenshot, he has taken over ducal Castille, linking his two domains together. The poor son of the Duke is now the Count of Soria.

When he was born, his Dad was a king, twice over. Poor sod watched the father throw away both kingdoms, and four duchies. To prevent more shenanigans when Henrique dies, I have likely scandalised the rest of the peninsula by switching to primogeniture in both kingdoms. I blame the French Burgundian influence of my late father, if anybody asks. My second son, who had been in line for Galicia, decided to react to the news by joining the Hospitallers. Bit of an overreaction, but he was a zealous lad. He seems to be doing okay, as he's currently the heir to the order.When the current king of Castille dies, unless he copies me, we'll see the whole dance begin again.

Since my screenshot, he has taken over ducal Castille, linking his two domains together. The poor son of the Duke is now the Count of Soria. When he was born, his Dad was a king, twice over. Poor sod watched the father throw away both kingdoms, and four duchies. Played Svend in the Christmas Day start, bided my time, allied myself with the Scots and the French, then launched my bid to seize the throne of England the first time. Succeed in 1071, only to lose it 6 years later to William who had been biding his time in Normandy. In 1086, William dies, succeeded by William Rufus.

Crusader Kings 2 How To Play

3 days after he dies, I again launch a bid for the throne, succeed, but having in the meantime returned to active practice of my Catholic faith, I abdicate and OTL Harald Whetstone is elected to succeed to the throne of Denmark. 2 years later William Rufus, meanwhile raises an army from his exile in Ireland (including IIRC a few Godwinsons ironically) and manages to curbstomp the Danes. 6 years later, William Rufus dies, leaving the throne to a 10 year old named Richard. I reinvade with the aid of the usual suspects (as well as a bunch of English mercenaries led by another Godwinson and a bunch of intimidating Russians led by a man named Boris.

I succeed again, and things seem good for about 10 years. But then Harald III gets himself killed like a bitch in putting down a peasant rebellion (maybe he shouldn't have extorted his subjects?) leaving Denmark to his cousin, Niels. Danish peasants are brought back in line, just in time for Richard of Normandy (now 20 and with a reputation for having a sadistic penchant for mutilating people) leads an army of Normans, Irish mercs and a few Godwinsons and crushes the Danish and loyalist English at Winchester. Niels sees the writing on the wall and basically just does whatever he can to get away from Richard the fucking Serial Killer. And promptly turns his attention to acquiring Sweden, mostly by assassinating little children, supporting a mentally impaired teenager for the throne of Sweden, using the election process to be the front rinner to succeed him by murdering all my rivals, then just in time for his 16th birthday smother him in his sleep with a pillow.I get the feeling that Niels is as bloodthirsty as Richard, but the difference is that Niels sees violence as a tool, while to Richard it's a pastime. Also, how slippery can the Godwinsons get? They've switched sides so often even Charlie Crist would think it too much.