Tiberium Alliances Units Nod

Repair Time: Regardless of your defense enough attack will destroy anyone, but you can make them really work for it, try to keep you D-Fac at least 4 levels higher than your highest defense unit. This will keep your repairs after every attack very high, forcing your enemy to enlist help or give up.Combine some or most of these tactics and you will a force they player will think twice about attacking.As we all know, losing your base is a very costly and annoying exercise. It also loses the alliance POI.


Needless to say it is very important that we avoid this as much as possible. This means building a strong defence. Here is a short guide to building an impregnable defense.Im primarily a Nod player so i'm no expert in GDI defenses. However, generally a good defense should follow a general order of:1st row: anti-vehicle and anti-air.

Humans become hosts for these invaders, their minds taken over while their bodies remain intact and continue their lives apparently unchanged. Most of humanity has succumbed.When Melanie, one of the few remaining “wild” humans is captured, she is certain it is her end. The host (2013 720pdownload movie. The Host Release date: May 6, 2008 was released April 13, 2010.was released August 1, 2011Melanie Stryder refuses to fade away.Our world has been invaded by an unseen enemy.

For nod this should be black hands and missile squads. For GDI, predators and pitbulls.2nd row: anti-troop.

C&c Tiberium Alliances

Command & Conquer: Tiberium Alliances is a military science fiction massively multiplayer online real-time strategy video game developed by Electronic Arts Phenomic and published by Electronic Arts as a free-to-play online-only browser game. At this time, the leader of the Brotherhood of Nod, Kane, heads directly to the headquarters of the Global Defense Initiative, in hopes of using the Tacitus and GDI's resources to construct a worldwide Tiberium Control Network. This network will allow the spread of Tiberium to be controlled and turn Tiberium into an inexpensive power source. Since the First Tiberium War, the Brotherhood had made use of Commandos for important missions as well as covert operations. However, as Nod began to progress technologically, they began to invest heavily in Cybernetics which they used to field Cyborg infantry.


MGs.3rd row: Same as 1st row. Use flak turrets and missile towers in this row if you want to research them (which is up to you, you can get by without them).4th row: whatever you want, but at least one MG.Final row: anti-air. Mass missile squads come highly recommended.Units to avoid:-Any unit that does not fight back. Although walls are useful for stopping your defense from going after decoys.

MG's also do this and are a better use of your defense points. Walls can absorb bombers ammo, but I think you are better off destroying the bomber instead. I have also found anti tank barriers and barbed wire to be pretty ineffective.-Nod attack bikes. Too easy to destroy. Missile troops are much better.- GDI guardian.


I dont play GDI, but they seem pretty useless.It is very important not to neglect your defense. Constant vigilance!! Do not think that just because you are surrounded by allies you can become complacent. We can handle an attack that we see coming, it’s the one we don’t see that we should worry about. You should have a defense that is strong enough to comfortably handle your own army at all times.PvP Offense:Here are some basic but very useful tactics to use when attacking and defending in PvP battles.Attacking -1.) Distract and Destroy:If your enemy has many mobile units and no walls or turrets to lock them in place, Send the troops to the open side of the field while sending Bombers up the side with the Construction Yard.

This will lure all defense units away from your bombers giving them a clear path to the Construction Yard.2.) Blitz:If the defense is locked down and it seem you can punch pass their Anti Air units, try to line all your Bombers in one wave next to each other, this force the enemy Anti Air to spread their fire giving you Bombers a better chance of getting pass the defensive line.3.) Disarm:If an enemy is actively on and is counter attacking you, Focus your fire on their Command Center. Most player will leave this building exposed to better defend the Con Yard, and D-Fac. Destroying this building with make you enemy unable to attack you, leaving him wide open to attacks, and you will not have to fear a counter attack.4.) Flood:If the enemy has a lot of walls and cannons, these structure will slow your units advance and will throw your timing off. So for walls send a few structure busters with your attacking unit to destroy walls and keep your units moving together, and flak cannons are destoyed very easily, a pred tank will kill an equal lvl flak cannon in approx 10 secs.5.) Focus Fire:Send units ina mix formation to throw off the defensing units, Example: a wave of 'Guardian, Paladin, infantry, Zone Troopers, Orca, Predator'.Wave attracts all type of defense, but will focus fire on the defenders.6.) Lure:Your enemy alot our Anti Air but it is all in the back, but they need to be destroyed for you to get the Con Yard. So send a Air Unit on the far side of the Anti Air, and place anti infantry or anti vehicle ground units next to air unit. The Air unit will lure the Anti Air over and your Ground Forces will destroy the Anti Air, leaving the Con Yard exposed.Combine any of these tactics to increase your odds of destroying a Enemy Base.