Age Of Mythology Greek Units

This is a list of all units in Age of Mythology; including military, civilian, and myth units. Militia (Poseidon only; can't be trained, but appear after buildings are destroyed). Still, myth units are a big part of what makes Age of Mythology what it is. So today I thought I'd share my personal top 10 myth units in the game. I will not include god power myth units like Nidhogg or Ancestors.

Juggernaut -The Juggernaut is the Greek siege type ship. It not onlycounters arrow ships but is also effective at taking outshoreline fortifications due to its long range and highattack. (Towers and Fortresses still do bonus damage to it,however - and the Juggernaut cannot outrange defensivestructures until it is upgraded into the Siege Juggernautin the Mythic Age.)Created at: DockAge: HeroicStrong against: Arrow ships, BuildingsWeak against: Ramming ships, Towers/FortressesOtherUnits. Kataskopos (Scout Cavalry) -The Kataskopos is a unit that the Greek civilizationsstart the game with. It doesn't upgrade, and can't bereplaced if killed. Pool game for pc offline. It is typically used for scouting,since it is not very good for combat.Age: ArchaicWeak against: EverythingMilitia -When Poseidon's buildings are destroyed by enemy units,Militia are created from the rubble. The more expensive thebuilding, the more Militia created.

Age Of Mythology Greek Units

Militia are reasonablypowerful melee units, which benefit from the same upgradesas normal units.Age: ArchaicStrong against: CavalryWeak against: Archers, Hypaspists, Throwing Axemen,AxemenShade -When Hades' human soldiers are killed, there is a 20%chance that a shade will appear at the player's temple.Shades are fairly weak melee units, and do not benefit fromany upgrades - however they get more powerful as youadvance ages.Age: ArchaicStrong against: Human unitsWeak against: Heroes. WARNING: Content Distribution is ProhibitedCopyright © 2001–2019 HeavenGames LLC.

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