Remove Samba Ubuntu 18.04

  1. Ubuntu 18.04 Configure Samba
  2. Install Samba Ubuntu

Samba Server installation on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS as ready to use virtual machine image download in ovf/ova format, compatible with VMWare and Virtualbox. Download: Ubuntu1604sambaserver.ova. Jun 24, 2018  Now a days Ubuntu is the most widely used Operating system used servers level. Canonical had released its latest and stable version of server as Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver).In this article we will discuss what new features that has been included in this release and also discuss Ubuntu 18.04 Server installation steps.

This tutorial exists for these OS versions. Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus).On this page.This guide explains the installation and configuration of a Samba server on Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) with anonymous and secured Samba shares. Samba is an Open Source/Free Software suite that provides seamless file and print services to SMB/CIFS clients. Samba is freely available, unlike other SMB/CIFS implementations, and allows for interoperability between Linux/Unix servers and Windows-based clients. 1 Preliminary NoteI have a freshly installed Ubuntu 16.04 LTS server, on which I am going to install the samba server. As Samba client system, I will use a Windows Desktop to connect to the samba server and check the setup. The Windows Desktop should be on the same network so that it is able to reach the Ubuntu server.

Remove Samba Ubuntu 18.04

Samba Server installation on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS as ready to use virtual machine image download in ovf/ova format, compatible with VMWare and Virtualbox. Download: Ubuntu1604sambaserver.ova.

The hostname of my Ubuntu server is and the IP is If you don't have an Ubuntu server already, follow this to get a minimal server setup as the basis for this tutorial.Note: The Windows machine must be in the same workgroup. To check the value on the Windows machine run the following command at cmd prompt: net config workstationThe output will be like this:Your Windows machine must be in the same Workstation domain as the Ubuntu server, i.e.

Ubuntu 18.04 samba not working

WORKGROUP in my case.To make the windows machine reachable in Windows by its hostname, proceed like this. Open a Windows terminal in administrator mode (you can reach the administrator mode by doing a right-click on the Terminal icon in the program menu) and run the following command to open the Windows hosts file: notepad C:WindowsSystem32driversetchostsThere you add the following red line and save the file:. server1.example.comserver1The following steps have to be run as root user. Run: sudo -son the shell of your Linux server to become the root user. 2 Anonymous Samba sharingSamba is available in the Ubuntu repositories. The first step is to install the Samba Server and its dependencies with apt. Apt-get install -y samba samba-common python-glade2 system-config-sambaIt will install the Samba version 4.3.9-Ubuntu.To configure samba, edit the file /etc/samba/smb.conf. I will use nano as editor and make a backup of the original file before I start to change it. The backup file is named /etc/samba/smb.conf.bak cp -pf /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf.bakcat /dev/null /etc/samba/smb.confOpen the Samba configuration file with nano: nano /etc/samba/smb.confAnd add the following lines.

globalworkgroup = WORKGROUPserver string = Samba Server%vnetbios name = ubuntusecurity = usermap to guest = bad userdns proxy = no# Share Definitions Anonymouspath = /samba/anonymousbrowsable =yeswritable = yesguest ok = yesread only = noforce user = nobodyThen I'll create a directory for the anonymous share. Mkdir -p /samba/anonymousSet the correct permissions. Chmod -R 0775 /samba/anonymouschown -R nobody:nogroup /samba/anonymousAnd restart Samba to apply the new configuration. Service smbd restartNow you can access the Ubuntu sharing in Windows by entering 'server1' in the windows search field of the menu or use the network browser of the Windows file explorer to connect to the share.Try to upload a file by Drag&Drop to the share to see if it is working correctly.You can cross check the content at server also. Ls -la /samba/anonymous/:/samba/anonymous# ls -la /samba/anonymous/total 16drwxrwxr-x 2 nobody nogroup 4096 Jun 1 18:46.drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Jun 1 18:39.-rwxr-r- 1 nobody nogroup 7405 Jun 1 18:42 test.odt:/samba/anonymous# 3 Secured Samba serverFor the password-protected share, I will create a group smbgrp and user till to access the Samba server. I'll use 'howtoforge' as password in this example, please choose a custom and secure password on your server. Addgroup smbgrp useradd till -G smbgrp smbpasswd -a till:# smbpasswd -a tillNew SMB password.

Ubuntu 18.04 Configure Samba

This command did not work at all, (notepad C:WindowsSystem32driversetchosts)These commands did nothing. (cp -pf /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf.bakcat /dev/null /etc/samba/smb.conf)I copied and pasted this in the window.globalworkgroup = WORKGROUPserver string = Samba Server%vnetbios name = ubuntusecurity = usermap to guest = bad userdns proxy = no# Share Definitions Anonymouspath = /samba/anonymousbrowsable =yeswritable = yesguest ok = yesread only = noforce user = nobodyafter Opening the Samba configuration file with nano had no instructions what to do after that. Couldnt save it couldnt add it to file.I am no closer to having my server set up than i was before i read all this. Obviously i am a newbee and i am frustrated with all the how to stuff on the web with missing steps. Hi Till - many thanks for this tutorial - it's given me a breakthrough after quite some hours struggling to find up to date infoI've implemented your section 2 for the anonymous server and it works fine with two different W10 systems able to see the anonymous folder and to read/write create sub-folders etc - in fact all working normally for my simple home based local networkBUT I've come unstuck when I've tried to use the same approach to work with another physical disk on the Linux/Samba machine. The disk is mounted (/media/a1000) on the linux side and I can do all the things I need.

However in W10 while I can see the mounted disk in File Explorer I can't progress beyond there and it gives me an Error about not having permission to access and telling me to contact my network administrator (a nice Catch 22 there as I am the said admin!!)Have you any advice or 'magic sauce' to ease me past this roadblockcheers from New Zealand. Thank you, essential and precise. I have done the same configuration but when I work on the server I do not see the Netbio name = UBUNTU, when I run the testparm. When I browse in Win 10 I do not see the server, UBUNTU. I connected the Anonymous and Secured folders to the Win 10 desktop.

When I'm on an iMac-Linux workstation I can browse the WORKGROUP, the server, UBUNTU (linux), the 1571G50K server, (woprkstation win10). On the Win10 workstation, 1571g50k, before connecting the UBUNTU server, I could see, in Win10 network resources, the same 1571g50k workstation as a server. Now, on Win10 I can not see neither UBUNTU nor 1571G50K servers.Only 2 differences, apparently, my version of Samba is 4.3.11-Ubuntu and directories are in / home / samba /.

Maybe you have an idea of why this thing happens? Thank you again.

Install Samba Ubuntu

The steps below is how I was able to setup a new user on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS server If you want to get a new user created in Ubuntu, just follow the steps below you should get it workin in no time.Now everyone account on Ubuntu servers can run the sudo command If you want a user to be able run commands with sudo rights, you must configure that account to do so.