Diablo Vs Diablo 2

  1. Diablo 2 Cz
  2. Diablo 2 Vs Diablo 3
  3. Diablo 3 Vs Diablo 2

Try to play Diablo 2 today and you'll probably realized how poorly some of its pieces have aged. Killing hordes of demons is still fun, but the cumbersome nightmare of managing inventory and lack of viable character builds means Diablo 2 isn't good for much more than a quick jaunt down memory lane. ARPGs have just become so much better since 2000.But what if you could take all the modern innovations of a game like Path of Exile and bring them to Diablo 2?

A Diablo II Community Server and Improvement Mod. Path of Diablo is an international server that allows all our players from around the world to trade, play. And compete together but without high latency.

Enter, a server mod that makes Diablo 2 feel new again by fixing some of its most outdated designs and revamping the entire endgame—all while staying true to Diablo 2 in ways that total conversion mods like don't. 'This Diablo 2 community server has one main goal: Increase build diversity and replayability with as little changes to the original experience as possible,' reads the mod's website.Created by GreenDude, Path of Diablo is one of the most popular and active D2 custom servers. Right now there are 180 people logged in. The mod adds some awesome quality of life features to Diablo 2 like an expanded inventory and Path of Exile's loot filters. Using downloaded filters or by customizing your own, you can tailor exactly what loot appears on the ground and what doesn't. No more having to sift through a screen covered in trash loot looking for the precious rares or set items you need.But the biggest improvements won't be felt until you level up and start building your character. Many Diablo 2 mods add new skills or even complete overhauls of the original classes, but Path of Diablo works to make existing skills much better, instead.

Any long-time fan will tell you that Diablo 2 is littered with useless abilities, leaving you with few options for powerful character builds. Drawing inspiration from Path of Exiles' robust skill system, Path of Diablo introduces tons of tweaks to every class. The community favorite is undoubtedly the Druid, who can now summon every type of minion at once.

I'm not quite far enough on my Druid yet to be a bonafide zookeeper, but running around dungeons with an army of wolves and bears looks like a hell of a good time. Another really cool idea is melee splash jewels, which give any single-target melee attack a splash effect. This is a pretty esoteric feature from Path of Exile, but it does wonders for making melee builds as fun as their magic-using peers.One other major addition is a complete reworking of Diablo 2's endgame to make it more varied like Path of Exile.

Once players are level 80 and have beaten the game on Hell difficulty, they can find relics and use them at altars to enter new and incredibly difficult dungeons. 'These dungeons offer an optional alternative end-game aimed for high level characters (90+) where they can farm difficult content for experience and loot,' reads. Every relic has a tier and the higher it is the more dangerous and rewarding the dungeon. It's a cool system that should definitely ease the numbing pain of boss runs or cow farming.I've been playing Path of Diablo all morning and having a blast. It's the perfect mix of classic Diablo 2 nostalgia with just the right injection of quality of life fixes and new features to feel interesting.

Even better, the community is incredibly active. There's, in-game global chat, and even a website for with other players. New ladders happen every three to four months along with new patches that should keep things fresh.If you're interested, you can watch the video below to learn how to get the mod up and running. It only took me about 10 minutes and it's a pretty effortless process—just remember to run the launcher as an administrator. If you're one of the many people don't care for Diablo 3—or even Path of Exile—and just want to relive the glory days, I can't think of a better option.

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Directly messaging individual moderators may result in a temporary ban. Community Rules.Submissions must be directly gaming-related, not just a 'forced' connection via the title or a caption added to the content.

Note that we do not allow non-gaming meme templates as submissions.No bandwagon or direct reply posts.No piracy, even 'abandonware'.Mark your spoilers and NSFW submissions, comments and links. Spoiler tags are !X kills Y! Below is a comprehensive list of what exactly makes D3 so bad:.Extremely dumbed down from D2, with insulting amounts of hand-holding present everywhere. Honestly I don't feel like diablo 3 is a complete game yet, which honestly shouldn't have been released yet. Throughout the beta they changed the skill system multiple multiple times meaning no matter what we were gonna get it wasn't going to be polished just functional.You also have to keep in mind Blizzard North (the studio that actually created Diablo II and LoD) were disbanded and most did not stick with the company so most of the original minds behind it all are no longer there. And honestly for any game company that is a huge gap to jump, not the developers fault they didnt make that decision the big wigs did.Another thing being that blizzard had low priority on this game up up till the last probably 3 or 4 years maybe even less.

I worked for the company doing customer support for a few years and really I didn't hear much about diablo 3 even in company up till the last 2 and a half or so.Blizzard while definitely a giant in both development and money making has usually been a little more on the side of its customers and fans than their shareholders directly. MedianXL.BrotherLaz made a better game modding Diablo 2 than Blizzard did with a new game.It's not that Blizzard couldn't make a good game, it's that Jay Wilson said lets make WoWablo and has seemingly no idea what the fuck he's doing. I don't dislike the WoW features because I don't like WoW (I did like it, actually), however, most of what they forced into D3 from WoW just doesn't fit Diablo 1/2 in spirit and execution.I have nothing against trying something new, but I have a huge problem with fucking with what works. The in game role of the story in Diablo 1 and 2 was 'Hey, that shit is evil, go fuck it up!' And that was that.

You spent the rest of the game killing things. Not following quest trackers, not holding NPC's hands, not watching in game cutscenes that spoon feed you exposition like you're and invalid.Diablo couldn't be more fucking simple. Make a bad ass character. Kill lots of monsters. Get lots of loot. Jay Wilson deliberately fucked up each component and said 'it's cool, we had a lot of positive feed back from sources we won't name, but they totally know more than all the people leaving the game in droves'.Building a character?

They present you the character. Set your stat points. Tell you when you can start using skills. Make you identical to every other player of the same class.

Lame.Killing monsters? No longer will you run into a screen of 20-100 monsters. Now, you get 2-3 packs of 2-4. It feels less epic, but it's not too bad. The real kick in the nuts is the running to town every 5 minutes because they plot is chained to you like a house arrest bracelet and it goes off every time you start having fun. Oh shit, I have to go back to town to tell Leah stories killed uncle! SPACEBARSPACEBAR SPACEBARSPACEBAR SPACEBARSPACEBAR SPACEBARSPACEBAR.He took away the freedom to go where you want, when you want even after you've beat the game.

Which is bloody fucking brilliant when you consider they also designed the game to be replayed a dozen times. So you end up memorizing the quest line, but it's cool, he's totally been told it's an awesome story. What that pudgy fuckstick failed to realize was that even if it was Tolstoy meets Grapes of Wrath, you would still be fucking sick of it after the 20th play through.Loot. Legendaries and sets will almost never drop for the casual player. Legendaries are actually pretty decent. Level 60 legendaries are easily beat by ilvl 63 blues. The problem is that ilvl 60 items have no place in the game.

Why use a level req ilvl 60 item when you can use a level req 60 ilvl 63 with three times the damage?Whereas in WoW, while all the gear was the same max level, you still had to clear dungeon 1 to get gear for dungeon 2. Dungeon 2 for dungeon 3, etc.

In Diablo, not only do you not need to clear act 1 to gear up for act 2, YOU CAN'T. The gear in act 2 is needed to progress in act 2.

Chrome browser history by date. Catch 22, but they are fixing that. However once you hit 60 in Hell, you can jump onto the AH and buy gear from Act 4 inferno, totally invalidating anything that drops in act 1, 2, or 3.Then there's set items with their awesome full set bonus. Oh wait.So there you go. Jay Wilson killed the three essential aspects to Diablo and called it progess with great feedback.All the artwork, skill effects, voice work, and animations are highly polished. Except it's truly just polishing a turd. The core skinner box mechanics have been fucked up so there's no desire to play anymore.There are people in the D2 mod community and on reddit that could have made a significantly better game with Blizzards resources.

Blizzard had the talent, they just wasted it by listening to that dumbass Jay Wilson.I'm not one to personally attack others, but Jay Wilson is either a dumbass because he didn't get Diablo 2 or because he got it and fucked it up regardless. I feel like he fucked up the legacy of my youth, and that's just personal.

I've been waiting for this game for 12 years sucking up ever tidbit of info. And then he shits on our chests. I'm a fan of how combat now flows in D3.

If i had to praise D3 in anyway, it's that. However balance between melee and range is indisputable. Melee overpowers range in effectiveness exponentially. That needs to be hashed out in a patch.Now I am torn between the rune skill system. It's not terrible, but since every character has access to every skill (if properly leveled) and can switch between on the fly (given a short wait period), all characters are essentially the same save for gear.This is greatly compounded by the removal of stat attribute customization. This is where I greatly criticize the game. I should be able to play my class the way I want.

If I want to make a wasteful demon hunter focusing on strength, then that's the way I will play it. Part of the fun and longevity of Diablo 2 was the gear hunt compounded by stat experimentation. I should be able to make a Singer-Barb or find other exciting stat combinations that might not have been intended when the classes were first designed.On the note of the gear hunt, the auction house completely kills it. Why run a dungeon in hopes for the slim chance of the marginally better gear when you can just pull out a credit card or use the massive piles of gold you have no other real use for?

When it's this easy to acquire gear, people will easily have the most effective gear loadout for their level in no time. You put this with lack of stat customization and on-the-fly skill swapping, you have class characters that have zero distinction from each other.The way Blizzard, by design, systematically removed everything that could produce any prolonged longevity in the game tells me that they don't want a game played for 10 years like Diablo 2. They want a game that will sell well the first day and be played for a year or two tops. Which from a business standpoint makes perfect sense. Blizzard needs more people off Diablo and back on WoW.

Activision needs people to be excited for the next CoD. They can't get as strong of sales and subscriptions if people are still enthusiastic over a non-subscription based game with excellent replayability. On the note of the gear hunt, the auction house completely kills it.

Why run a dungeon in hopes for the slim chance of the marginally better gear when you can just pull out a credit card or use the massive piles of gold you have no other real use for? When it's this easy to acquire gear, people will easily have the most effective gear loadout for their level in no time. You put this with lack of stat customization and on-the-fly skill swapping, you have class characters that have zero distinction from each other.You could buy items off websites in diablo 2. Because the currency is pretty easy to get. Just look at the AH in D3.

It's been pretty horrid.UNTIL: You get that first 2mil drop and you realize 100k item is incredibly cheap WHEREAS.Picking up a full class set(which required more farming than gold does in D3. I'm pretty sure.) and then finding someone (TRUSTWORTHY) to trade with and making sure what they had was = what you had/wanted.I personally believe WAY more thought and effort go into a trade system than this fucking pay-to-win RMAH and this broken reg-AH they've put into the game.Edit: I also believe that both systems have a lot of the same factors,Luck,Magic Find, Gold Find, what difficulty/act you farm. So you kind of just have to take into consideration these things and weigh the pros and cons side. Which I obviously didn't do because that would take. That i could be. On reddit.Edit2: And a game with more thought and effort in it lives longer, plays better, is a bit more fun, and sure as hell becomes more memorable.

But it's not always the best $$$ for companies. And that seems to be the idea behind a lot of games now adays. Now I'm just complaining though. I personally like D3.I just wish it was Diablo and not.

Whatever it is. You just said it yourself. Think about what you do when you use an AH, over what you would do if in a trade system.The thought and effort into the trading system was 100% the players.Isn't a game supposed to be about what gives the best experience for the players? What was memorable or most entertaining? Well I can assure you an AH is neither of those things. Unless you consider its infamy being how it was memorable.An AH requires literally no thought.

To just drudge through, click an item,click bid, and wait? Or click buyout and jump right back into game?Over having to find a trade game or find a person in the chat channels who is looking to trade. (and then everything else I said before)I didn't say Blizz was the one putting effort into these things. Obviously the 'technical' aspects of the 'effort and thought' came from Blizzard and it was easy to see which had more.But The players put effort and thought into each of these systems as well. And like I said. Isn't the point of putting out games to satisfy fans/entertain the player?

Edit: And make $$ too, duh. But players wanted to be treated when they go drop 60 on a new game(not being specific to D3)Edit: Lets not get into this 'technical' BS. We all know that programmatically more work probably goes into a AH system than a trade system. When I say thought and effort, I'm purely saying it from a player's pov. And I feel like I'm doing nothing at all when using an AH. (other than I feel like i'm playing WoW again). I never really had 'good' or 'fun' experiences with the trading system either.

I remember farming for weeks due to incredibly shitty luck just waiting to get an item even WORTH trading for one of the 'poor mans mf sets.' Then when I got it? I spent a long time hopping channels spamming copy/paste hoping I could get heard over the bots.

It was hellish and not very gratifying even when I had a really good MF set to farm great items.Now it takes no effort to get new items from other players or sell it to them! I put it up on the AH and go back to doing what I want to do: playing the game. Not spamming like a bot in a trade channel. Now it takes no effort to get new items from other players or sell it to them!

I put it up on the AH and go back to doing what I want to do: playing the game. Not spamming like a bot in a trade channel.Which brings us full circle back to the start of it all. Longevity of the game. A system like ^ will never last because of how simple it makes things.

Diablo 2 Cz

People will sooner or later get bored of it because it requires TOO LITTLE thought. (meaning it will die far before a 10 year range) Yes, YOU (not everyone did), may not have had 'good' or 'fun' experiences with the trade system,but because you actually had to do all ofthisI remember farming for weeks due to incredibly shitty luck just waiting to get an item even WORTH trading for one of the 'poor mans mf sets.' Then when I got it? I spent a long time hopping channels spamming copy/paste hoping I could get heard over the bots.It DID make it gratifying because if you could farm great gear, you KNEW it would lead to even better things, no matter how much time you spent chatting it up in the channels.Having incredibly shitty luck is one of the factors I mentioned. Just because you had bad luck meant literally nothing because you could always slowly trade up. Trade up a bunch of shit for a few good pieces.And you can do this in D3. Sell a bunch of shit for gold and buy a few pieces.

And what do you think required more thought? 'Oh I could just toss this up on the AH for however much and get that item I been eyeing for days'OR'If I offered this,this, this, and this. I bet I could totally get this and this no problem.

Diablo 2 Vs Diablo 3

But they might want more so I'll throw in this and this. Oh but I might want that, so i'll swap it with this and that.'

Diablo 3 Vs Diablo 2

(I personally just feel that if I need an upgrade in D3, getting rid of it isn't a huge deal. But in D2, if I needed an upgrade and had to trade for it or wanted to over farming for weeks, it was going to cost me and I was going to have to put some thought into what I was gonna give up for it.)Much,much more thought went into it and you put WAY more time in and inevitably it payed out and that felt, to me, one MILLION KAJILLION times better than making 5milG on some legendary hamburger I just got lucky enough to drop when A friend was running me through something I could NEVER have done.And it was my first legendary. Do you know how exciting it was? I didn't even click it ASAP. That's sad, very sad.

Even the shittier things in D2 were somewhat exciting to get every now and then. The GREAT items blew your fucking mind when you got them.Seeing as how I could easily buy all the items in the game that could drop.

I'll never ever be excited or entertained by legendary drops in D3.There's obviously a problem between us because I loved my experiences with the trade system and you obviously didn't have a great time. AND THAT'S NO BIG DEAL. SHIT HAPPENS.

I'm EDIT: NOT GOING TO say you have to agree with me. I'm saying that there are systems in place that have totally removed the chance of the game living as long as D2.

That's all.