Install Dragon Age Inquisition Mods

This document describes how to get modifications (mods) for BioWare's Dragon Age (DA) to work in your game. While they are considered 'unofficial', BioWare produced and released the 'Dragon Age Toolset' specifically to allow and promote the creation of these mods.

  1. How To Install Dragon Age Inquisition Mods

Contents.EditorialThis Guide should cover the basic questions of how to get a Mod to work with your Vanilla Dragon Age game, how to update it and how to uninstall it propper. Its quite basic information, but everyone has to start somewhere, thats what this Guide is for. Read it and maybe you learn something new even if you think you know how to do that already =)Normally every Mod should have a Readme or Information posted how to make it work with your Game, but some dont, and when you are new to this kind of thing then you might not know what to do with those files you can download here. I can only cover the things i know, and i am myself no modder (yet), but i hope the information i can give may be enough to get you going if you have no clue on where to start =)All the locations i give you are for a Windows XP Operating System, becouse thats what i have. But the paths should not differ very much if you are using Vista or Win7.All screenshots show german language couse thats what i have, but i hope that dosent matter.Its good to work with a User Account on your Windows OS that has Administrator rights and to set all files and folders to visible on your PC if you are dealing with mods, so you dont overlook any files or run into access problems. Use google or ask in the Forum if you really have trouble with this things.And lastly some mods need further tweaking or are dependent on other mods to work, thats nothing that can be covered in this general FAQ sadly, so ask then the Mod-Author via Private Message or in the comments of the mod you have trouble with. If nothing helps ask in the Forums here, most often some other Member will help you.There is also another wiki article that discusses Dragon Age mods more generally.Now that is available i would recommend anyone to use that great tool to manage the Mods for Dragon Age, instead of installing them with daupdater or manually.

See more Info to that in section 3 of the Guide.All mod authors are welcome to link to this guide!

How To Install Dragon Age Inquisition Mods


Hi everyone!I've decided to go ahead and try the mod manager from nexus. I downloaded the most recent version and got some mods to try out. Amongst them were the pajama color change, dorian in black, Cullen bi romance, dorian with no mustache (just wanna see if it works cuz I prefer him with his adorable mustache haha) and the inventory expansion.I made my mod folder under C:/temp/Dai/Mods.I checked that the patch was the most recent one and even tried the rescan for new patch thingy on the mod manager. I also made sure the Merged folder was inside the Update folder where the game was installed.I've read and re read all the instructions and I don't know what I'm doing wrong but the mods are just not working once I've merged them.Could anyone shed some light perhaps?Thanks a lot for your attention guys.Much appreciated.