Does Disabling Touch Screen Save Battery

Both your eyes and your battery will thank you. To dim your screen, you can use either the XPS 13 keyboard's Windows key + F11 shortcut, or you can use the Action Center. Here's how to dim your XPS 13's screen through the Action Center: Click the Action Center button in your system tray. It looks like a speech bubble.

Use Windows 10’s Battery Saver ModeRELATED:If you want to extend your battery life without thinking too much about it, enable Windows 10’s. Windows automatically enables this feature when you’re down to 20% battery by default, but you can manually enable it whenever you like.

Speed up my phone – what can I do to make that happen?Turn off things you aren’t really usingWhen you leave your home, do you leave all the lights on, crank the AC to the max, and leave the TV blaring? Of course not! Electricity costs money, and basic economics means that most people have the common sense to turn off household appliances and lights when they aren’t in use.If you really want to save your phone’s battery life, the same principle applies — but instead of paying for your irresponsibility with an energy bill at the end of the month, you’re paying with a dead battery by 5pm. Let’s take a look at some of the lights you may have been leaving on. Connectivity featuresThese guys are big culprits.

If you want to conserve power, then you should always turn off your Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and Location (GPS) when you aren’t actively using them. If you want to be really aggressive with control over your battery, you might even want to experiment with turning on Airplane Mode when you know you won’t be needing the phone at all.Wi-Fi drains far less battery than cellular service.Many users leave these features running all day without really thinking about it. Turning on Airplane Mode will knock out all of them in one fell swoop.

Airplane Mode isn’t just for when you’re airborne, however. If you’re in an area where cell service is patchy, your phone can expend a lot of battery power trying to get the best connection it can.Turning on Airplane Mode or turning off your mobile data in favor of an available Wi-Fi network can make all the difference in the world. If you have the choice between using Wi-Fi or cell signal, always choose Wi-Fi, all else being equal. Wi-Fi drains far less battery than cellular service.

Shut down vibration. Smartphone technology has come a long way in the past few years, but there is a lingering issue that is taking time to evolve — battery life.

Sure, batteries are getting bigger and phones more Vibration is wonderful if you’re in a situation in which you wouldn’t normally be able to hear your cell phone, such as being on the road. For many people, the subtlety of vibrating notifications is indispensable in their workplace (if you’re a lawyer, you can’t exactly have going off every time you get a text message down at the firm).However, smartphone vibrations aren’t conjured from magical resonating crystals. To produce the effect, your device has to spin up a every time, which can be really draining on your battery. This goes for haptic feedback as well, that light buzzing your phone may produce when you tap keys on your on-screen keyboard. If you really want to maximize your phone battery life, you should minimize your phone’s jiggliness.Kill apps when you leave them?For a long time, app-killing apps were all the rage. Frustrated with laggy user experience, Android users of the days of yore began using all kinds of task managers to eliminate the apps they thought were hogging resources.The problem is, these task killers became unnecessary even before they really got popular.

Android has gotten really good at managing its own memory, and most of the apps that you murder this way will just spring right back to life. If anything,In the modern age of Android’s maturity, there’s no reason that killing apps should be a part of your everyday use of the device. Sometimes it’s possible for apps to go rogue and start hogging resources, but those are the kind of devils you want to put down for good. If part of your regular use of your phone involves app killing, you’re probably depleting battery life rather than saving it.Automate it!If the process of managing your connectivity services day in and day out makes you groan, then start working smart instead of hard. That’s a smartphone you’re holding, after all.We’ll tackle these in order of increasing difficulty and involvement. First in the school of automation, we have IFTTTIFTTT is a beautiful service that’s great for non-programmers and first-time automators. Hell, it’s powerful enough that even more hardcore users might prefer its elegance to rolling up their sleeves for more nuanced work.The goal of IFTTT is to put the internet to work for you.

The letters stand for “.” Once you subscribe to their service on the and download the Android app “IF,” you can get your phone to do a without your active intervention. Getting started with IF by IFTTT on Google OnHub – Android customizationFor instance, you might activate your phone’s “Location” channel.

This will let IFTTT respond to your smartphone’s location. Then you might tell IFTTT, “Okay, if I leave home, turn my Wi-Fi off.” And then, likewise, “If I arrive home, turn my Wi-Fi on.”With a little creativity and forethought, you can quickly turn your phone into a fully automated, power-managing machine. IFTTT has a few pre-crafted recipes that you can try out to get the feel for how it works. Once you play around with it for a little bit, you’ll start to find all sorts of things to automate, even beyond the scope of your phone’s battery life. TaskerFor the more technically inclined, is an app that gives its users total control over their device.

The level of precision and customization that this service brings to the table is frankly unparalleled, but it can be a little daunting to new users. Experience in at least rudimentary programming or logic may be preferable, but are to bring just about anybody up to speed.Tasker lets you create a variety of different contexts that change the way your device functions. For instance, you might configure your phone to stay on vibrate while you’re at the office, but turn vibration off and activate Wi-Fi when you get home. The possibilities are endless, and if your phone is rooted, then you have even more options at your fingertips. GreenifyNow, I mentioned that we would be walking through these in increasing levels of difficulty. However, the beauty of Greenify is that it’s not actually difficult to operate at all. The app lets you “hibernate” pesky resource-hogging background apps, which effectively force-stops them.Unfortunately, to really make the best use of Greenify’s automated hibernation capabilities, you have to have root access to your device.

Does Disabling Touch Screen Save Battery Life

If the idea of rooting your device is daunting to you, or if you don’t even know what I’m talking about right now, then it’s probably a good idea to stick with IFTTT or Tasker.If you’ve already rooted your device, then I’m certain I don’t have to walk you through how to use Greenify. Grab it in the Google Play Store and give it a spin. Use the internet intelligentlyMobile traffic makes up an incredible amount of internet use worldwide. In fact, in our testing we usually find it can drain more battery than continuous video playing! Try to spend less time looking for cat pictures and you will find your battery will last much longer.As I mentioned briefly above, you should always choose Wi-Fi over cellular service.


This will be easier on your data plan, sure, but even if you’re on an unlimited data plans, you’ll find that cell service hogs way more battery than Wi-Fi does.However, just because your Wi-Fi receptor uses less battery than cellular service, it’s still a good idea to disable your Wi-Fi when you aren’t using it. Your phone is constantly searching for open connections while Wi-Fi is active, and that fruitless search can wreak havoc on your battery life.Cut back on notifications.

You don’t have to let your apps sync all of their data automatically. Choosing to do this manually, or to limit autosync to the apps that really need it, can seriously reduce power use. Abandon auto synchronizationAuto Synchronization uses background processes that can eat into both your mobile data use and battery life. To turn it off, go to Settings Accounts.

Tap the three vertical dots in the upper right corner and uncheck Auto-sync data. You can also manually adjust which apps sync and how frequently. Use ad-free appsNot only are ads annoying, but ferrying that vibrant, eye-catching content to your device takes energy. Using apps that don’t use ads, or purchasing premium versions of apps that eschew ads, can drastically change how badly your battery takes a beating.

If you use an app frequently, and it’s sucking up your phone’s life juice every day, consider upgrading or finding an ad-free alternative.Adjust your displayHere we go. The MacDaddy of all battery sappage: your display.Head over to Settings Battery. You should see a list of services that use your battery in order from the most battery hungry to the least. Which one is at the top there? Odds are extremely good that you’re looking at Screen by a large margin.

History Touch Screen

Let’s see if we can’t make that display a little less demanding. Dim your brightnessWell, that’s kind of a no-brainer, isn’t it? Full brightness might be necessary to see those texts under the full light of day, but why are you still running that setup after sunset? Tone it back a bit and use or auto brightness depending on which version of Android you are running.

Use Adaptive Brightness featuresHaving to sacrifice a good viewing experience is not everyone’s cup of tea. If you still want to be able to see your screen in bright sunlight, but also want to keep brightness in check when indoors, you can opt to leave Adaptive Brightness features on. With this feature the phone would read ambient light and intelligently pick the right brightness, ensuring a balance between a good display experience and battery optimization.Some phones may have the Settings app arranged differently, but if you open it and head over to the Display section, the option should be there (if available for your phone). It may also be called “Auto Brightness”, or something along those lines. Reduce auto-lock timeAgain, since your screen is the biggest enemy to your battery, keeping it off as much as possible is wise. Go to Settings Display and change your Sleep length to be as short as is feasible. 15 seconds is a good amount.Optimize wallpapers and themesHow your phone looks isn’t just aesthetic.

It can also affect how long your device can stay alive on a single charge. Ditch live wallpapersYeah, that massive spiral galaxy slowly swirling in glowing tranquility looks great on display units, but in everyday life, these gorgeous backgrounds take processing power to animate. Ditch the koi pond and stick with something more power-friendly. Embrace the darkness (maybe)And what is a power-friendly wallpaper?

That actually depends on what kind of display you have!There are essentially two kinds of displays currently on the smartphone market. AMOLED works by lighting up individual pixels to create images. LCD works by having a backlight that is overlaid by a screen that shutters and displays the backlight to create pixels which compose images. With every passing year the capability of mobile technology creeps toward its oldest and most powerful sibling, the desktop computer.

Touch Screen Computer

Also, with every passing year, our mobile devices become more entrenched in our everyday experience, This leads us to a. If you have an AMOLED display, using a black wallpaper is the most power-efficient because the display doesn’t have to activate those pixels. They just get to rest. However, if you have an LCD display, the most power-efficient option is a white wallpaper because the screen doesn’t have to work to create the pixels. Strange but.It should be noted, however, that the benefit of having a white background on an LCD display is not as significant as the benefit of having a black background on an AMOLED display. If you’re not sure which you have, it won’t hurt much to err on the side of black.Limit location services and background data. You could also squeeze a little bit more juice by turning off (usually found in Settings Location Services).

You might want to prevent apps from using your location info. You will also most likely want to disable the Location and Google Search option (or Wi-Fi and Mobile Network Location option on some phones) to prevent your device from using Wi-Fi and/or mobile networks for triangulating your precise location and sending the data to Google servers. The process, needless to say, requires power.Murder apps that betray youSome apps are resource-intensive — either by nature (as in the case of games) or by developer incompetence or negligence (as in the case of poorly written apps).You need to be vigilant about how your various apps consume battery power. A quick trip to Settings Battery (or, on some devices, Settings Power Battery Use ) will usually reveal which app or service is sucking most of the juice.Identify apps that. Poorly coded apps that connect to the Internet even when they’re not supposed to should be uninstalled, as should apps that needlessly use up a huge amount of CPU resources. Replace these apps with better developed ones rather than endure running on less and less battery each day because of treacherous apps.Use battery saving modesMost major phone manufacturers have their own versions of battery saving modes. These can automatically turn off background tasks, manage applications, control settings, and more.

Look into your settings, likely under the Battery section, to find out if your phone has anything like this.RootRooting is an advanced process that varies significantly from device to device. However, there’s no question that a number of are available to root users that simply aren’t accessible to non-rooters. De-bloatRooting itself won’t lengthen your battery life. Rooting merely opens the gates to your device’s restricted partitions and directories. With such restrictions gone, you can remove useless apps (e.g., bloatware from carriers or OEMs), especially those that run as background services, wasting away precious battery power. UnderclockWith root access on your device, you can also install apps that can improve your system’s performance.

A CPU controller app, for instance. Apps like these essentially allow you to tweak the CPU settings on your device. You can set the CPU frequency to stay at the lowest (and, as a result, use up the least power but sacrifice device performance) or to stretch the CPU to its maximum limits (resulting in better and faster performance, but at the price of heat, quick battery drain, and potential system instability). Custom kernels and ROMsAnd, since in all likelihood your phone has also acquired an unlocked bootloader and custom recovery in the process of rooting it, then you’ll also be able to enjoy the blessings — the power-saving blessings, in this case — of many custom kernels and custom ROMs. Look around Android Authority for guides on how to flash custom kernels or custom ROMs to your particular device.Use a portable battery packStill can’t make your phone last?

Your last bet is to simply charge more. You don’t want to be tethered to a wall at all times, though. Instead you can get yourself a handy portable battery pack. These comes in all shapes and forms, so we will list a few articles below to get you in the right direction.ConclusionMaximizing your battery life is a simple matter of minimizing your power usage. As you can see, your Android smartphone has a lot of components that touch on power use. Optimizing these can range from simply changing the way that you use your device on a daily basis to fully automating connectivity toggles.However, at its core, battery conservation is very simple.

I’ll reiterate my initial summary: dim your screen and turn off services you aren’t using. These two alone can go a long way toward making sure you aren’t that guy at the end of the day saying, “I can’t. My phone’s almost dead.”What are your favorite battery saving techniques?

Did we catch all of them here? Let us know in the comments below!